The first video game site for kids and teens is how Roblox shows up.

Yet lately, this space of creation and sharing of games has a serious concern. Many mods allow to have sex, voluntary or not, directly in the game: pornographic mods on Roblox . In short, your child's avatar can be involved in adventures that are largely forbidden for children under 18 years old .


Certainly, it is possible to set restrictions so that your child under 13 can not access all Roblox games. Certainly, it is possible to set up "the cat" so that a child can not chat with anyone. Certainly, you can lock certain contents behind a PIN.
But "creations" go so fast, when modders "have fun" to integrate pornographic content in Roblox, the time that Roblox realizes, these spaces are often open to all.

Worse, some "crooked" force very young miners to participate via their avatar in their "activities".
Recently, Amber Petersen, an American mom, drew attention to a horrible event. The avatar of his 7 year old daughter was raped by the avatars of two other Roblox users , before being blown up by a third. Other parents also said that they had surprised their children in "sex rooms", rooms in which real orgies are taking place online. Roblox's developers are doing everything they can to remove these contents permanently, but as soon as they close a door, modders find a window to rush into.
Those responsible for these online attacks are permanently banned as soon as they are identified. But it is extremely rare.

A simple search on YouTube shows the full extent of the problem. Indeed, with only two keywords, we can find many videos more than explicit. Worse, by simply typing "Roblox", I did not have to go far in the search results to find a first video "PEGI 18".

We are far from a pornographic film, but these images are alarming as to the content of the game, but also vis-à-vis what could fall on the youngest by using YouTube. The age restriction applied by YouTube is not very effective.

Even if we can not control everything, it is up to us parents to monitor our children's video game practices. Perhaps we should think of moving the children away from Roblox until the problem is finally solved?